Grandpa holding grandson
Family,  Health

The Grandchildren Visit

A Good Time Was Had By All

We had weekend guests. Our middle son, Jared, brought his two sons; Sebastian and Oberon, home for a two day stay. We don’t get to see them very often since they live out of state. We are always thankful and blessed when they make the trip home to visit. We had a great time and took them out for a fish fry and gaming afterwards. The next day was a tractor ride and egg collection. Then an evening visit to Great Grandma’s house just across the section from us. It was great to have family together. The boys are very well mannered which is very impressive for their young age. πŸ˜‡

I found out today that along with Mike and I, everyone else we were with over the weekend is sick with a cold. πŸ€’ We must have run into a ‘Typhoid Mary’ during our meanderings.

Star of David and Torah

Job 21:8

They live to see their children grow up and settle down, and they enjoy their grandchildren.



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